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Winner of the Publishing Innovation Award!
"Dedicated to Steve Jobs, this book highlights much of what Jobs himself strove for - clear, crisp design, intuitive interface and user experience coupled with high quality, clear content." - Digital Book World
"Most of the books I scanned, even the "Dummies" series, assumed a basic knowledge of computer programming even for iOS beginners. What I like about Kevin’s writing is that he doesn't make any assumptions – he just takes you there – step by step." - Lorraine Akemann – Moms With Apps
Non-Programmers Learn to Create iOS Apps
This first book in the series from Kevin McNeish, award-winning App Developer, highly acclaimed conference speaker, and featured writer for iPhone Life magazine, is designed to teach non-programmers to create Apps for the iPhone and iPad. Many books designed for new developers assume way too much. This book series assumes you know nothing about programming.